February 9, 2025
  • 8:17 pm The Future of Space Exploration: Bold Missions and Uncharted Frontiers
  • 7:54 pm Bill Gates Calls Divorce from Melinda His Biggest Regret
  • 6:56 pm Heightened ICE Enforcement in Texas Sparks Fear and Raises Legal Concerns
  • 7:55 pm California Supreme Court Reinforces Protections for Native American Families in Child Custody Cases
  • 7:40 pm Mel Gibson Reflects on Devastating Loss of Malibu Mansion in Palisades Fire

When developing a system of safety procedures for your work site you should not overlook the dangers of an arc flash in which heats of over 35,000-degrees fahrenheit can be released in an instant leading to severe trauma and/or death. In electrical terms and “arc” refers to the energy that transmits through the air between […]


Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources is hunting the effects of Chronic Wasting Disease in its deer and elk population through a 5-year research study that began in 2016 to better determine how to safely combat the rising issue. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a neurological disease that causes spongy degeneration of the brain in deer, […]


One of the most extreme and oldest crimes happening since ages, human trafficking is the exploitation of men, women, and children for forced labor and prostitution purposes. Although slavery has been labeled as illegal activities all over the world, this modern slavery still exists. According to the estimation, 20-40 million people are suffering from human […]


For the most part, we’re all doing our job, trying to help the environment in simple ways. Some people choose to go vegan, while others may choose to switch to plastic straws. A big “step” in the right direction, can be found within Veja, a shoe company that has become increasingly popular due to its […]


A Tesla operator was seen sleeping behind the wheel, on the Massachusetts Turnpike, this past weekend. A safety experts for automobiles is now calling for more government involvement and surveillance because of it. Sean Kane, a worker at Safety Research and Strategies, Inc. told CBS Boston “What we’re following is a very poor model. One that is destined […]


Have you ever been driving down the freeway, and out of nowhere a diaper flies straight into your view, causing you to swerve? No? Well that happened to an Indiana State Trooper’s vehicle in Johnston County. Sergeant Stephen Wheeles was driving on I-65 when he noticed a rolled up, dirty diaper being thrown from the […]


You know, self-driving cars use to be science fiction and now they are right on the border of being mainstream in this day and age. The hope is to have these autonomous car be self-driving without the need for human assistance and intervention or manual navigation. However, one of the common practices in new technology […]


After Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich. voiced their opinions on President Trump and his actions as the leader of the country. As a result of that, they have hired personal security guards to protect them. Although the stats show that the threats towards them are low profile, the women […]


In Hernando County, Florida a dog bit a woman on the face, after she tried to kiss it, according to the local deputies. Wednesday, early in the morning, the Hernando County Sheriff’s deputies and the local fire rescue team were called. The dog bite took place off of Canal Drive, in Brooksville. Two of the […]


A report from the S&P Global Ratings expects more defaults and bankruptcies in 2019 and 2020. In 2018, Retail bankruptcies hit an all-time high and it is expected to keep rising. Seems the United States is oversaturated with retail and companies are starting to feel it. Though some of these companies will never re-open their […]