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Motorcycles make up a modest fraction of the overall number of registered automobiles in Georgia, but they are responsible for a substantially higher number of casualties each year. Regrettably, given the absence of outer vehicle protection, a crash between a bike and another vehicle almost always ends in severe or catastrophic wounds to the biker.

New statistics on bike crashes in Georgia were issued by the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety in July. The information is predicated on Georgia traffic accident statistics from 2019.

According to the data, riders make up a modest percentage of all motor vehicle accidents in the state, accounting for about 1% of all crashes. However, they account for 11% of traffic fatalities and 21% of driver fatalities.

As per the statistics, the bulk of bike accidents in Georgia occurs in North Georgia, which includes the metropolitan Atlanta area. The metro Atlanta region, in particular, has the highest percentage of motorcycle accidents in the state.

According to the data, bikers aged 25 to 34 were the most likely to incur life-threatening injuries in 2019. Approximately a quarter of them required EMS transport, and approximately 27% required an ER visit.

This age group also had the highest number of hospitalizations of any other age group, accounting for a quarter of all crash casualties. Overall, 2019 was a horrible year for Georgia motorcycle riders, with 170 riders killed in crashes across the state. In Georgia, this amounts to 84 deaths per 100,000 registered bikers.

This was a 22 percent rise from 2017 when the state saw 139 motorcycle fatalities. Between 2010 and 2019, there was a 33 percent growth. The rise in bike crashes, damages, hospitalizations, and deaths has been accompanied by a 4 percent increase in the number of registered bikes between 2010 and 2019.

In comparison to earlier decades, more people are opting for the simplicity and comfort of two wheels, although safety data shows that the hazards for bikers remain much higher.

Bike rider mortality will continue to rise due to an increase in the number of diverted drivers who are overly absorbed by their phones, GPS systems, and in-car entertainment technologies, as well as non–electronic diversions such as people in the vehicle.

Furthermore, a spike in speeding motorists in recent years does not bode well for bikers’ safety in Atlanta. Always wear safety gear when riding a motorcycle, and never underestimate the value of a well-fitting approved helmet. Helmet-wearing saved the lives of 91 motorcyclists in 2019.

Been In A Motorcycle Crash? Get Legal Help

Bike mishaps can result in serious injuries that necessitate prolonged hospitalization, recuperation, psychotherapy, and other medical costs. If you or a loved one has been hurt in a motorcycle accident, consult with a Buford, GA Motorcycle Accident Lawyer to see if you have legal alternatives for pursuing a claim for damages.

You may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, missed wages, lost future earning ability, and other forms of losses. Consult an attorney at our office to see if you have legal grounds for a claim.

Safety Info